Thursday, May 22, 2008

(Africa trip) putting final touches on the big trip

I started this blog because I thought it would be neat to have a place where I could document my impending trip to Africa which I booked to celebrate my safe return from service with the Army in Iraq and my retirement from the Army after 23 years of service. I booked the trip almost 8 months ago and finally leave this weekend. Before the trip is done, I would have spent two nights in Orlando, a night in London, two nights in Nairobi, one night at the foot of Kilimenjaro, and 9 nights out in the bush on the Serengeti plain. For the first and only time in my life, I am traveling first class the entire way. I have always wanted to fly international first class and I couldn't think of a better time to do that than on this trip. I'll be flying on Continental to Florida and on Virgin Atlantic from Florida to London to Nairobi and back. I plan on taking lots of pictures and I hope to be able to get on the internet during the trip so I can update this blog and post the photos. I've done everything I can thing of - bags are packed, passport is current, and camera batteries are charged. I think I'm ready!

On a side note, the hardest thing to get used to was the fact that each traveler in my group is restricted to around 33 pounds of total luggage, to include camera equipment! Since I won't leave my camera or laptop behind, I had to cut a significant amount of clothing that I planned to take. I'll be doing a lot of sink laundry LOL.

By the way, this photo has nothing to do with this blog - I was just testing to make sure I could upload photos! This one was taken this month in Florida.

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