Saturday, June 7, 2008

(Africa trip) Sabora Tented Camp

For those of you who were getting text message from me, I still don't have cell service so no texting. But I do have internet access (obviously) :-)

This is now my second day in the Sabora Tented Camp and my last day out in the African "bush" since we leave for Arusha and then Nairobi tomorrow. This place is amazing and entirely unlike anyplace we've stayed before. Unlike Faru Faru, which has rooms made of bamboo and glass walls with tent-style tops, this camp is truly tented, but the tents are air conditioned, there are running water, telephones, and internet access, and the whole place is beautifully decorated in the style of an early 20th century Hemingway-type camp. I can't describe what this lodge is like so I'm not going to try, but I will try to get some pictures posted. This camp is out in the open right in the middle of the migration, so we are surrounded by wildebeast and zebra, and the wildebeast are even inside the camp. I am supposed to go on a game drive this afternoon but I probably won't go - there's plenty of wildlife to view right here and it seems like the ever-present and persistent tetse-flies we've encountered all throughout this trip have not discovered this camp, which believe me, is plenty of reason to stay here. I've seen everything I really wanted to see except for rhino, and if I went out today, I'm not likely to see rhino today either. So, I think I'll just be pampered in these amazing surroundings.

Last night's dinner was very nice. We chatted with other guests around a campfire over cocktails and then had a gourmet dinner in a beautifully appointed dining room. I don't know if I've mentioned it, but the meals are always stunningly presented and they seem to have been designed by a real chef. Hard to imagine out here, but that's the case. This morning, we elected to sleep in and just let the sun wake us up, and then I followed up a leisurely breakfast with a soak in my Victorian-style soaking tub.

I'm still working on getting my photos downloaded and organized and I'll have some more up shortly.

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